Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Hottest Five Tips On Winning A Slots Jackpot

When you hit the casino, the number one thing to keep in mind is that they don't want you to win. The odds are against you, that's how they earn their money. So make sure you're playing for the right reasons and don't push your limits. These tips on winning a slots jackpot will help, but they don't guarantee anything. Nobody can guarantee a win at the casino.

Now that that's out of the way, here are a few quick tips to help you even the odds just a little bit.

Play Smart

Like we said, you're not likely to win the first time out. It takes a lot of quarters before you hit the payout. Don't play for money, play for the thrill of chasing the jackpot, and if you don't win, oh well. The point is to play the game, not just to win it. That's the philosophy of any true gamer.

Always Play for Fun

The thing about professional gamblers is that they actually make somewhere in the area of seven figures a year. This means that a few bad weeks won't ruin them. If you've got a job and a mortgage, only play for fun. Don't think you're going to get rich at the slots. Play it because it's a hell of a game and a hell of a rush, not because you think it'll pay the rent.

Always Bet the Max Limit

Always bet the maximum number of lines on any slot machine. You won't get the jackpot otherwise, and your chances at getting a good payout greatly increase the more lines you have. It costs more per roll, but you're improving your odds, nevertheless. Play it smart, but play it big. All or nothing.

Know Your Machines and Look for Bonuses

Don't just make a beeline for the flashiest machine they have. That's for grandmas in Atlantic City. Rather, look at the payouts, look for bonuses, and play the odds smart. Bring a calculator if you need to. The best machines are rarely the ones with the most flash.

Play With Your Friends

When you play with friends, you all increase your chances of winning. Set a deal before hand, decide how many quarters you'll each spend, how you'll split the winnings, and stick to it. Don't bicker if the first pull wins. Rather, pool all the wins, and all the quarters everyone was going to spend, and split it up as you determined you would before hand. Don't let an argument spoil a win.

It's simple to enjoy the excitement and fun games offered by online slots jackpots and start your winning streak today! Playing the progressive jackpots is an exciting way to win when you games fast!


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